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 Precedence          Operator Precedence                                table
 Arithmetic Ops      Operators with Real and/or Integer Arguments       table
 Boolean Ops         Operators with Boolean Arguments                   table
 Ordinal Ops         Operators for Enumerated Data Types                table
 Set Ops             Operators for Sets                                 table
 String Ops          Operators for Strings                              table
 Pointer Ops         Operators for Pointers                             table
 *                   Multiplication and Set Intersection             operator
 /                   Real Division                                   operator
 +                   Addition, Set Union, and Concatenation          operator
 -                   Subtraction and Set Difference                  operator
 =                   Relational Operator: Equal To                   operator
 <>                  Not Equal To                                    operator
 <                   Less Than                                       operator
 >                   Greater Than                                    operator
 <=                  Less Than or Equal To                           operator
 >=                  Greater Than or Equal To                        operator

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson